Quality Analytics
Data marts are specialized subsets of data warehouses designed to serve the needs of a specific group within an organization. They are built using SQL code that automatically runs on top of the Common Data Model to compute specific measures, groupings, risk models, and other analytical constructs. Data marts frequently employ value sets to define the concepts they use, ensuring consistent and accurate data interpretations across various analytical processes.
Each of these views is derived from the Health Chain Common Data Model, ensuring consistency and reliability in the data. The Health Chain Quality Analytics data mart is a specialized, centralized repository of data designed to drive individual measure-level insights at both the member and population level, including but not limited to; measure name, numerator, denominator, observation date and more!
Table | Column Name | Datatype | Description |
hc_patient | patient_id | varchar | Unique identifier for each patient |
hc_humanname | given | varchar | Patient's first name |
hc_humanname | family | varchar | Patient's last name |
hc_patient | birth_date | date | Patient's date of birth |
hc_patient | gender | varchar | Patient's gender |
hc_address | address | varchar | Patient's address |
hc_address | city | varchar | City of patient's address |
hc_address | state | varchar | State of patient's address |
hc_address | postal_code | varchar | Postal code of patient's address |
hc_measure | measure_id | varchar | Unique identifier for each quality measure |
hc_measure | measure_name | varchar | Name of the quality measure |
hc_measure | measure_description | varchar | Description of the quality measure |
hc_codeableconcept | numerator | decimal | Numerator for the quality measure calculation |
hc_codeableconcept | denominator | decimal | Denominator for the quality measure calculation |
hc_measure_group | linkId | varchar | Unique identifier for each measure report |
hc_measure_group | report_date | date | Date when the measure report was generated |
hc_measure_group | numerator_value | decimal | Numerator value for the measure report |
hc_measure_group | denominator_value | decimal | Denominator value for the measure report |
hc_observation | observation_id | varchar | Unique identifier for each observation |
hc_codeableconcept | observation_code | varchar | Code representing the observation |
hc_observation | observation_value | decimal | Value of the observation |
hc_observation | observation_date | date | Date when the observation was made |